Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Synthesis Transformation.

The main task of class 5-8 for today is to convert direct speech to reported speech or as we know it, indirect speech. This is a revision for them and I was shocked that many pupils came up and asked me how to do it.

To change a direct speech to indirect/reported speech, there are a few "rules" that you must obey.
For instance, if it's a present tense, you must change it to a past tense and if it's a past tense, you must change it to a perfect tense, vice versa.

Another thing to note is if it says "today", one must change it to "that day", if it's "this", change to "that", if it's "you", change to "me", etc...

There's actually a piece of paper that class 5-8 have that contains the information of words to change. I think that that I should photocopy it and post it here if anyone lost it.

In the meantime, check out the video of direct and indirect speech.

Mr Xie.

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