Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Save the Pandas!

Class 5-8 learnt about the characteristics of Pandas as well as how we can save them from extinction. Here's a short clip about "saving pandas".

After students read the passage, we played a small activity called hot-seating.
A student was picked randomly and invited to seat at the front of the class. (in this case, he's Daniel). He is then "transformed" into a panda expert and pupils are free to ask him any questions they liked. During this lesson, I "controlled" the questions by only limiting students to ask relevant information that can be found in the text.

If there is enough time, maybe I could let the class ask any questions they want, so long as they know how to keep their volumes down and not get too excited...

Sidenote: A lot of pupils asked me for another detective case again. (It's hard to generate a good story okay?) Hmmmz...I better start cracking my brains now. Any good ideas from class 5-8?

Mr Xie.

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