Thursday, April 16, 2009

Math trick. Fun math thinking activity.

Class 5-8 was given a "test" to see how united they were as a class. They were asked to take out their calculator and key in any digit they want.

After sensing their "brainwave", I can feel that all pupils are keying in different numbers.
No matter, I decided to ask them to do some computation so that their end result is the same.

You can try it too~ Here's how. You will need a calculator for this.

Step 1) Key in any digit number you want. It doesn't matter if its a very big digit like 99999 or small digit like 1.

Step 2)Times the value by 2.

Step 3) Add 8 to your new value.

Step 4) Divide the result by 2.

Step 5) Subtract the original number from this new value you just accquired.

Your answer should be 4!
Congrats. You are one with class 5-8.

Mr Xie.