Monday, April 13, 2009

Height, base and area of triangle.

Finally a new blog post for those who waited patiently. (I'm itching to post as well).

Class 5-8 learnt how to identify the height, base as well as finding the area of triangle.
Wait... isn't this 5-8, my english class? So how come I'm teaching mathematics?

It seems like class 5-8 is going too fast for English. The whole 5A workbook is nearly completed! Hence, the "long break" from English for 5-8 students.
Okay, back to today's lesson about triangles.

To us adults, identifying the base and height seems very obvious once we look at the diagram. However, pupils tend to be confused and this is a tricky concept to explain. If one can't "see" where the base is, it is very hard to explain.

So how can I teach effectively to the students? After thinking it through, I realised that a way to find out the base and height easily is to use a common ruler. Use a marker and draw the same thing as I did as shown below.

Now, you have a self-made a height/base identifier tool. How do you use it?
If the diagram tells you base, use the line on the ruler to match the base first. The perpendicular line will then be the height of the triangle at it's highest point.

I hope this "mini-tool' will help students to identify the base and height more easily. It's good because you can bring this into exams! :)

After which, pupils are being taught how to find the area of triangle.
The formula for area of triangle is base x height divide by 2. Or half-base times height. OR....

It all means the same thing! They are then "transformed" into detectives and are to find out the murderer which involves finding the area of triangle room. Hope the pupils have fun into this mini-detective game I created.

Tommorrow will be another English lesson. There's another mystery for pupils to engage in. Hopefully, it works and pupils are engaged in it.

Mr Xie.


  1. Mr Xie will the triangle be like a set square like you shown above? Can we use a ruler instead of a set square for exam? Is set square or ruler better?

  2. Yes. The ruler will be a better choice for set square in my opinion~.
