Thursday, March 12, 2009

Two days.

Class 5-8 is officially down to less than 20 pupils. (I think). Most of them went for Beijing for a shool exchange programme.
Pupils were tasked to attempt on their English assessment books test 1,2,3,4 and some pupils are constantly asking me to conduct the lesson with the detective "case" part 2.

Well, It's just not possible as I would have preferred the whole class to enjoy the activity. So I guess the next detective "case" will have to be in term 2.

However, what I can do is that I can look/create some fun activities for the rest of the class if all of them managed to complete the tasks that are assigned to them. One more day before class 5-8 ventures into the March holidays!

Homework for you guys? Hmmmmz......( let me think about it....)

Mr Xie.

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