Thursday, March 26, 2009

Structure of an information report.

Class 5-8 was taught the structure of an information report today.

Before I explain the structure, let me pose this question first, "What is an information report?"
Basically, it is a text that presents information about a topic. It can be on any topic, usually on living or non-living things.

The structure of an information report is as follows.
1) The title.
2) An opening statement in the first paragraph.
3) Subheadings.
4) Topic sentence.
5)A series of paragraphs/sections (mainly about comparing and contrasting)
6) Conclusion

It would be good if there are pictures, diagrams or illustrations that can be used to explain the text better.

After which, Class 5-8 did an "information brochure"; comparing two biomes, the tundra and grasslands. As there is not enough time, they were tasked to complete the brochure as homework.

I will try to post the pictures of their product as soon as possible once I received them.

Mr Xie.


  1. id be dead shit by now if wernt 4 dis man i oh uu

  2. what about animal report you need habitat, description and diet but what else plz reply

  3. type in jenny ethers sight and press information report
    hope this helps emilia

    from yianni

  4. Not The type of my information report :/

  5. what would you write in a conclusion?? I have not written one of these in ages.
